Room 6

Room 6
soaking up the HB sunshine

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Congratulations to Laura who has made the Hawke's Bay Team to attend the Gymnastics Junior National Championships in Blenheim during the holidays.  We (Haumoana School) look forward to hearing of her results as an individual and team member at this prestigious event.



What a wonderful bunch of Mathletes!  Room 6 children have performed to a very high standard on Day 1 of the competition by making it to 1st Place in NZ class competition. I was surprised by the number who completed all the questions. 

The classroom and the computer suite were full of concentrating students.  I was amazed at their persistence and accuracy and the way they helped each other.

Grace and Laura working interdependently

All concentration in the suite!

Over 20,000 questions were answered during the day!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Track & Field Results

It has been a challenging task as Room 6 children have battled the weather and 'Red Flag' conditions to complete their 3 Track and Field Events - High Jump, Shotput and 60 metre Sprint -  but the results are finally on the board (or Blog).

Boys - Wesley 1st, Reif 2nd and Dhylan 3rd

Girls - Madeline 1st, Laura 2nd and Lauren 3rd

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


"Reaching for The Stars"

As part of our 'Reaching for the Stars' unit, we will be visiting the Hawke's Bay Holt Planetarium on Tuesday 4th September (approx 9.30-11.30) .  It will be an informative morning and to keep costs down, parent transport will be required so we would appreciate your support.  Cost is $5 per child, supporting adults no charge.
Notice out soon!

MATHLETICS - Week Ending 19th August

Reid once again topped the Mathletics results this week followed by Will and Frances (scores to follow)

Last week Live Mathletics was reset to Level 1 so children could practice their keyboard speed on simple maths equations. 

So far the fastest has been Will with a mind boggling 73 questions answered in the space of 60 seconds or as he informs me. . . an average of 1 question in 0.8219 seconds!  AND there are many others not too far behind. 

I tried to compete but my results are very embarrassing!!!  Parents - give it a go.  You will be surprised at how quick your children have become!


ASB New Zealand Maths Challenge

28-29 August

Dear parents,

Room 6 maths children have been practising their maths skills online over the last term.  They have shown excellent accuracy and persisted with the tasks in school and leisure time. Their competitive attitude has led to Room 6 being in the top 3 in New Zealand for most of the term.

A competition - the ‘ASB NZ Maths Challenge’ - takes place on the 28-29 August. This event involves the children completing a range of maths tasks online on the 28th and challenging other children ‘live’ on the 29th.

During the school day the children will be taking turns on the computers to maximise their learning, their personal scores and the class score.

At home, it would be great if you could allow them to access to your computer to give individuals, the class and school the chance to win some fantastic prizes.

Thanks for your support.

David Barclay

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mathletics Results Week Four


Reid 20,960

Tessa 14,097

Will 12,194

CYCLE GROUP - Permission

Dear parents
Your child has expressed interest in taking part in a school cycling group. The main objective of this group is build up cycling fitness to enable children to compete in the ‘Tour of the Bay’ (14th October), the HB Triathlon Championships (7th November) and/or Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge (24th November).

The cycling sessions will take place on Thursdays (weather permitting) at lunchtimes and will be of approximately 30-40 minutes duration. During this time, the children will be developing their fitness along with cycle safety skills, cycling techniques and learning a bit about bike maintenance. It is also hoped that the children will continue to build on fitness with weekend rides as well.

Some children have already started training for these events. In order for your child to keep up, it would be beneficial for them to start cycling to school from now, weather permitting
Children will require a road worthy bike (preferably with at least 24-inch wheels and slick tyres), a correctly fitted cycle helmet and closed footwear.

Safety is of utmost importance and the children will be supervised by one or more adults (parent riders/drivers are welcome). As it is necessary to use public roads, we require parent permission.

Please email me with a permission statement.

First ride: Thursday 6th September.

Cross Country Run - Permission

Dear Parents
As an extra build up to Inter-School Cross Country competitions in Term 3, there will be training runs for enthusiastic athletes from the school. These will be taking place on Friday at lunch time. To add variety and to provide a challenge these runs will take place in Parkhill Road and through Parkhill Farm roadways.

This training is voluntary, for enthusiastic runners and additional to our regular Cross Country programme which starts later in the term. As it takes place outside the school we do require your permission for your child/children to take part.

If your child has an interest in participating in these training runs (starting this week), please email me with permission statement.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bike X

Barney was the sole rider from Room 6 taking on the Bike X challenge as it returned to Black Barn last weekend.  A week or more of rain ensured that there was enough mud to make it more challenging than the previous visit.

Helped  by a new bike Barney fought his way to a strong 3rd place!

Fishing Stories

Last term Haumoana School had a visit from The Minstrel.  His unique blend of singing and story telling provided inspirtion for the 'fishing stories competition'.

Room 6 children applied their talents to this challenge with James taking out top prize of a fishing rod. Madeline C provided Mr Mettrick with a judging challenge by writing 10 stories and received a prize for her enthusiastic attitude. Well done children!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It was another great week for Mathletics. In Term three week three they made another great effort. I finally made it to the top spot!! Well done guys.

By Reid


Reid-22,111 pts

Will-18,676 pts

Oscar-14,037 pts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Week of Rain. . .

A week of rain and lots of Olympic discussion have brought out the competitive natures of Room 6 children... Saturday morning and Room 6 made it to the top of the Mathletics World ladder in the weekly challenge.

It is a close battle at the top!

Weekly Habits of Mind Certificate

The HoM Certificate this week went to Reif for 'asking questions to clarify his understanding' and 'persisting' with tasks!

Congratulations Reif!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Geometry Evening

Lauren and Andrena deep in concentration.

This problem took us a while . . and then "How did I not see that!"
The geometry evening with Dinah Harvey proved to be a big success with many families braving the rain for a couple of hours of maths fun. It was fantastic to see the focus and obvious enjoyment of the children and adults learning together.

Patrick and his dad, problem solving together.

All concentration when drawing maps of the hall.


ASB NZ Maths Challenge

The 2012 ASB NZ Maths Challenge is taking place on the 28th-29th August

Last year Room 6 gained more points than any other New Zealand class, won the Lower North Island 'small school section' (based on the average points gained) and had 2 Mathletes winning an ASB Bank account plus other prizes.

We intend to participate again this year and will be fine tuning strategies and improving our accuracy so we can be competitive again. 

The event will involve 2 days of intensive maths at school and at home so we require lots of parental support and understanding as we give it our best shot.

More information posted shortly.