Room 6

Room 6
soaking up the HB sunshine

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Reports

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

5,4,3,2,1 beep. The horn went and I was off speeding down a gradual hill, I went up the hill. This hill was a long and gradual hill. As I got to the top I was puffing a bit. But I knew that I had another 40km to go. So I conserved my energy.
I knew that I had steep hills because I had, had look at the map before the race so I wasn’t going to go fast on the first hill. On the second hill it was long and steep so I sat on my seat and ground it up as I got to the top I saw my massive downhill. It was probably 2km down and as I was going down I reached up to 57.3km an hour. The next bit was all flat so I tucked in behind Mr Barclay so I would go faster.
I could see the next uphill ahead so I got my speed up a little bit more. As I got to the bottom I just ground it up the steep hill. The hill was about 2km up. When I got to the top and I sped down. As I went round the bend I saw another uphill and I thought to myself when are these hills going to finish. But when I got to the top I was so relived because the sign said that it was five hundred more meters to go I put my head down and sprinted for the finish line. Yay, I had finished my race. When I got to a person called Chris he helped me take all my stuff off my bike then we got on the bus and went back to Taupo. That was a fun day.

By Wesley  

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

I grab my bike and run to the exit where Mr Barclay was waiting for me. I got on my bike and off I went into my leg of the lake Taupo cycle challenge.
 Into about ten kilometres of my leg it was my first hill. It was a long hill it was about four kilometres high. It was long and tiring.

After that I had a long stretch of small up hills and small down hills. After there was another hill but this one wasn’t as big. It was only small compared to the other hill. But at the top there was a massive downhill. It was about five kilometres long.

 My top speed was when I went down Waihi Hill. My top speed was 53.7 kilometres.  After that Hill there were no more hills that meant that I could go flat stick the rest of the way.
Soon I came into Turangi and there was music playing and this funny blow up person on a blow up bike.
Finally I’m nearly finished there’s only 8 kilometres to go. I’m going round the last bend I sprint to the transition. I get off my bike and lie down on the grass , I can’t believe all my training has paid off. I ask Mum how long it took me she said an hour and 30 minutes I felt really proud of myself that it was my first time doing it and I did in an hour and 30 minutes.

 The best part was going up Kuratau Hill even though it was really long.
By George



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